


For decades, Black Elderberry Syrup has been a staple, especially in the colder months.

PC: Brooke Lark

The five elements of Chinese Medicine are what have inspired and helped me the most. The book that is my ongoing guide is Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford. I know how to use food as medicine and how to take my herbs and supplements so that I get the most out of them. This has come with trial, error, and the support of qualified practitioners and mentors to guide me. 

One of my dear friends and colleagues, Soha of Perfect Pair for Balance, reminds me that it is an act of love, for all those who I love and care for, to take care of my health first. I make my best effort to prevent viruses, colds, and the flu. I work to prevent illness to the best ability with good quality food, herbs, an active outdoor lifestyle, and supplements. This list is a compilation of 20 years of curiosity, failures, and friendship moments with my body. I hope that it can help you too. I am looking forward to talking more with you and to hearing more about your health and wellness journey!

I have put together a family-friendly immune system kit of my favorite herbs and supplements that are getting me and my family through these challenging times. Please peruse the products below. If you want to customize your own kit, please sign up for a free 15 mins consultation below! I can order supplements and herbs for my clients and have them drop-shipped to your door. Please keep in mind some items are slower and shipping can be delayed due to COVID-19. I appreciate your time.

Helps IMMENSELY with sore throats.

In order for a virus to thrive, it needs to deplete zinc. These lozenges have zinc. Zinc can kill a virus in your throat (from sucking on these) so that it does not reach your respiratory system.

L-Lysine helps strengthen the immune system against viruses.

Amazing immune booster. It’s like putting a wall up between you and things that would make you sick. I take when entering airports, places where ppl are sick, or when I first start to feel that I’m fighting something off. SO incredibly useful. Please be careful and discuss with your doctor before taking. DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NURSING.

Great for my sinus headaches/pressure, nasal drip, and mucus while sick. Do not use without working with a qualified practitioner first. Acupuncturists are great resources when we’re sick and they can help to understand how to use these formulas as well.

Great to clear and refresh sinuses. Watch this youtube video.

Gargle with salt water and warm water to make you feel better when you have a sore throat. Watch this YouTube video.

I am not a licensed physician or doctor. I am not prescribing anything. I am sharing my experiences and the herbs/supplements that have helped to keep my immune system strong. And have helped me to fight off viruses. Please consult your doctor for any medicine contraindications and before you begin taking any herbs or supplements.

In the resources section I will go over: Cooking and preparation oils, nuts and nut butters, cultured foods, food delivery services, pantry items, sources for quality, pastured, happy, organic, meat, essential kitchen items, spices and condiments, nutrition: books, websites, and videos, items for the home, filtered water, how to eat well at work and on the go, products for the body and makeup, rest and contemplation/spiritual engagement, fertility, helpful apps, and organic pet food. If there is something you want more info on, or there is an area of interest for you that is not addressed here, contact me or 720-722-0094! 


Cooking and Preparation Oils:

This is the best macadamia nut oil I have found.

This is the best macadamia nut oil I have found.


Dr. Bronners makes a wonderful coconut oil. It is smooth and warms easily in my hand for use as a skin moisturizer. I use it for baking occasionally. Sparingly as this is a food that aggravates dampness conditions, in Chinese medicine five element theory. And dampness can make it harder to heal digestive concerns, IBS, Crohn's disease, menstrual cramps, fatigue, high blood sugar and pressure, heart disease and so on. Reach out out if you’d like to talk more. 720-722-0094.

Ghee (clarified butter) is great for dairy free folks. I find it to be so delicious I could eat it with everything. You can make your own easily too. This is butter without the milk/lactose. 

I love Pons Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  It's rich and strong and yet not overwhelming. I don't cook with it as it is not as stable as the above oils. I use it to drizzle over veggies, protein, or specific dishes that call for it. 

If you want more info on good quality fats read: Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford

Nuts and Nut butters: 


I make my own almond butter with the Deluxe Cooking Blender by Pampered Chef. If you want to buy, this brand is good.

Photo credit to: Blue Mountain Organics

Photo credit to: Blue Mountain Organics

Sprouted sesame seed butter/tahini is the easiest to digest and to not over eat! I find nut butter to be like ice cream. It can be a food with no brakes as the Whole30 program would say. I love to eat this tahini with apples and blueberries. 

I recommend sprouted nut butters. Sprouting a nut makes the nutrients more available and the protein easier to digest. They are expensive though. If I cannot afford to eat them in their best form at any given time I avoid nuts all together as they can be very hard to digest. If you want to prioritize it financially Blue Mountain Organics is the best I have discovered. 

I get my nuts from Sunfood.

Cultured Foods:

Fermented Pickles (I teach workshops on how to make your own).  Real Pickles company also makes a bunch of great other fermented veggies that I love. The pickles have been the easiest for me to digest. 

Live Organic Milk Kefir Grains (If you want to make kefir)

Water Kefir Grains (Live Active Culture) (If you want to make coconut milk kefir or another fermented beverage like kombucha or ginger beer. You will need one package of these for each beverage you want to make). 

Coconut milk Whole Foods sells a good 365 brand that's organic and $2.59 a can in the Boston area with only gum added, filtered water, and no other weird additives. You can also buy Native Forest Organic Premium Coconut Cream, Unsweetened from Amazon. 


Quart Jars with Lids and Bands, Green, Set of 6

Food Delivery Services:

Sun Basket

Boston Organics

Walden Local Meat of Massachusetts


Apple cider vinegar. I get my apple cider vinegar in my food delivery now. Or most grocery stores have it in cities. I still love the Bragg brand and yet I support local farmers when I can. 

Quality, Pastured, Happy, Organic, Meat:

Photo credit to: Walden Local Meat Co

Photo credit to: Walden Local Meat Co

Walden Local Meat of Massachusetts

US Wellness Meats

In the Kitchen:

I only cook with cast iron pots and stainless steel. Nonstick pans are easy and yet the toxic substances leech into the food and are very toxic. Convenience has a price. 

I would get as many kinds of cast iron pots and pans as you can afford because once I really got into cooking these made me unstoppable! I bought some from Ebay

The Pampered Chef's Pressure and Slow Cooker, Stainless Steel is great for quick meal prep and bone broth!

I love the simple juicer by Omega.

I cannot and will not live with out my Pampered Chef's Pressure and Slow Cooker. I just did an entire meal plan for a client with only a IP in a studio without a full stove, sink, or kitchen and it is going fantastic! So much you can do. Check it out.

I am so into my Immersion Blender. I make smoothies, liver pate, mayo, and anything with it! There is nothing I have tried that didn't work. It's so good on a budget :)  

Wooden Vegetable Stomper (or you can use a meat hammer or a potato masher, you just need a piece you can really mash the cabbage with for sauerkraut :) wooden or stainless steel is best. 

Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl

Quart Jars with Lids and Bands, Green, Set of 6

Pint Mason Jars with Lids and Bands, Blue, Set of 6

Benriner Japanese Mandoline Slicer, Green - This one is expensive and it’s great! You can get this in Chinatown for $5 usually if you have access.

Bamboo 20-7930 3-Piece Cutting Board Set

Stainless Steel Teakettle (small - for two or three people to have a nice cup of tea). I like it because it is so easy and light. 

Stainless Steel Cookware Set, includes Pots and Pans

This OXO Good Grips 8-Inch Double Rod Strainer is great for fermenting kefir and making bones broth!

Spices and condiments:

Photo credit to: Collective Evolution

Photo credit to: Collective Evolution

Sea Salt (Himalayan or Celtic is what I use) It is important to put sea salt in a ceramic grinder. Others will not work and the salt will get stuck and it is real annoying. This Kyocera Ceramic Fine Mill is worth the money. 

Organic Mustard Seed

Organic Caraway Seed

Organic Bay Leaf


I recommend the books on this blog from my school:  Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) 

My favorites books right now are: 

Your Body's Many Cries for Water by F. Batmanghelidj

It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways by Dallas Hartwig & Melissa Hartwig

The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell & Thomas S. Cowan

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig

Know Your Fats: Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol

Eat Fat, Lose Fat: Lose Weight And Feel Great With The Delicious, Science-based Coconut Diet by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig 

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price & Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (Editor)

Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and GERD by Jonathan Wright

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James Wilson (Author), Jonathan V Wright (Foreword)

Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World by Sally Fallon Morell & Kaayla T. Daniel

Put Your Heart in Your Mouth by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride

The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times


Weston A. Price Foundation


The Oiling of America

Vitality/Health Programs:

 Whole30 program


Photo credit to: Dr. Bronners

Photo credit to: Dr. Bronners

Photo credit to: Eversnapapp

Photo credit to: Eversnapapp

Glass Pint Mason Jars with Lids and Bands, Blue, Set of 6 are how I transport meals. 

Travel cutlery set 

GoMacro MacroBar Organic Vegan Protein Bars - Dark Chocolate and Almonds

BPA free canned fish/seafood


I use Organic Jojoba Oil on my face with vitamin E oil as a moisturizer. I also use this on my body to switch it up from coconut oil. If you live in Boulder, Rebecca's herb apothecary is also fantastic for herbs, body products, and more! 

I like the Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor. This razor saves money and the environment. You just need to replace the blades and there is a lot less waste and a closer shave. I am a woman and it is taking some getting used to and yet I feel good about it. My boyfriend has one too and he LOVES it. 

Shampoo. I tried a more alternative organic shampoo and it made my hair fall out! It’s hard to find a shampoo that is totally natural and yet that still makes me feel satisfied and clean. I say make this your own experiment because hair types are so different!

The Natural Dentist Healthy Teeth & Gums Original Toothpaste, Peppermint Twist

Kopari Aluminum-Free Deodorant


Tarte for life!

Rest ~ sleep:

Safety Eyewear Glasses block the blue light from computers, TV, or any screens of smart deices (phones, tables, Gameboys, etc). These glasses help us to produce the chemicals/hormones we need for deep sleep and happiness. They block the blue light which makes it easier for our body to produce the hormones: melatonin (sleep necessity) and serotonin (happy chemical). 

Sleep Mask


Photo credit to: Gampo Abbey and Pema Chodron

Pema Chodron has been an amazing teacher for me. She is real. She is not above what it feels like to be human. She has been through a divorce, has children, is a woman raised in the states, and now she is a Buddhist nun. She teaches me to stay with myself through what is really happening in my life. She gets what it is like to stay with what is difficult and I trust her. This makes listening and learning from her easy and enjoyable. I notice that if I listen to her talks as I am eating I digest better because I am relaxed and attentive to just eating and listening to Pema speak. It helps me to move into a relaxed state which aids digestion and the absorption of nutrients. 

I recommend anything by pema. My favorites are:

The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times

The Pema Chodron Audio Collection is great as a intro to Shambhala Buddhism. There is a Shambhala Center in Boston if you are in the area and are interested. 

Coming Closer to Ourselves: Making Everything the Path of Awakening


I use the Kindra app to track my fertility. Birth control pills do not work for me and I believe they are harmful. Charting my cycle has helped me to understand my fertility and my cycle in a clear way. Based on my body and my experience. Check it out. I also use a back up protection method and yet I recommend this for getting to understand your health more accurately. 

Basal Digital Thermometer It does beep as I’m taking my temperature and it sometimes wakes my boyfriend up! I try to take it into the bathroom with me when I first get up so that it’s not as irritating. 

Apps for Smart Devices/Tablets:

I use the FindRealFood to find quality products. There is so much crap out there these days in terms of health food products. It is hard to know what to trust. I deeply trust the Weston A. Price Foundation. My school has based a lot of it’s research and structure on the work of this great dentist. It's not a perfect app and yet it is helpful!

I use the SkinDeep app when I am looking for quality nut butter, nuts, or meat for example. It takes a lot of the confusion out of wondering which company is taking care of their products and who is just looking to make money.  

I use this app to look up a product when I am in the store and I don’t know about the company or the toxic levels/what it is made with. I used to buy Vitamin E oil in whole foods the other day for example. I scanned the bar code and found the one that was made simply and properly in a way that does not damage the oil or have unnecessary additives. Simply and easy to use. 

Organic Pet supplies on a budget:

Photo credit to: Gia Dalton

Photo credit to: Gia Dalton

I wish I could make it all myself and yet there are only so many hours in a day and I have to prioritize. I use Newman's Own Organics Canned Cat Food. She loves it! Before she never cried for her food. Now she begs me to fed her! A noticeable difference :)

Earth friendly Cat litter 


If you have any suggestions for this resources section please email me and let me know! I'd love to hear your story.